Sunday 14 May 2017

Old and relaxed

Sorry I've been AWOL for a few days but it's been a little busy.  

Thursday was my Dads 20th Anniversary so just kept myself busy and got through the day.  

Friday I had the hairdresser in the morning then after receiving a surprise message I got to spend a few hours in the afternoon with one of my old mates and his friend and we were slightly naughty and arranged to meet at mum's house without telling her lol.   Two amazing War Veterans whom I have the utmost respect for.   Unfortunately the day ended with a massive migraine.

Saturday saw me awaken at 6am with a downgrade to an intense headache but thankfully not quite at the stage where the room rattled when my head moved lol.   Caught up with the Masterchef final of which I was disappointed with the outcome followed by some work.  Early afternoon I headed off to the care home with mum to visit my step daughters gran.   Home again to do some more chores before the kids came to visit as it was the old hubbys birthday.   

Wonder what Sunday has in store lol.  

Anyway, on to another one of my samples and have to say it's one of my favourites.   I just wanted the feeling of that old wooden shack bar nestled somewhere on the beach where the locals pop in for a cool beer to quench their thirst.  

Products used are as follows..

Message In A Bottle CED21008
Bottle Treat Cups CETREATBOTT 
Island Paradise CED21009
On The Beach CED21010
Knotted Woodgrain UMS780 
DecoArt Media paint 
Crackle glaze 
Corrugated card 

All products are available In Store at Craft World and stamps and dies are available online at 

Off to watch Great British Menu now so TTFN for now.  

Loz xxx 

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