Saturday 2 July 2016


By the time May 31st came around I'd successfully bashed my wrist not once but twice!   First time I successfully hit it hard on a wooden beam in the store at work then a few days later (don't laugh when you read this)  I done a Laurel & Hardy special and stood on the garden rake (yes I honestly did) which sprung upright and whacked me on the exact spot I had already hit!  

Was beginning to think I had possibly broken something as the pain was bad and I had to strap it up going to work and couldn't lift any real weight for 2 weeks.  Next visit to my physio I had her check it and was grateful to hear the bone seemed fine but I had damaged the ligaments and with them being close to the wrist joint would take a good few weeks to heal.  Four weeks down the line I finally feel like I am regaining strength in it again.  Thank goodness!  

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