Monday 7 March 2016

PaperArtsy workshop

Sorry I've not blogged for a few days folks but it's been a busy time..  Friday I had to pull a wee 5 hour shift at work as one of my colleagues was off poorly then it was a quick dash home, grab some lunch and in to the craft room to prep some samples for demo day.  Saturday was demo day so that flew by in a whirl and Sunday being Mothers Day I was off out with my wee mummy to treat her and spend some quality time as we haven't seen much of each other the past few weeks. 

Anyhow let's get on with matters in hand..  my last day at the trade show!  

Today we participated in the PaperArtsy workshop and what fun we had..  above is one of the variations (just happens to be the one I done) but there were other lovely ones done in blues and greens too. 

The naughty Pauline Wheeler managed to snap a picture of Hels and myself deep in concentration painting and stamping away..  can you believe we were both quiet!

Some of the lovely freebies we left with alongside paints too!

Now who was sitting with us???   The gorgeous Maria Simms!   Sadly I don't get to see Maria often enough so it was nice to spend time with her having a catch up and boy..  what a figure eh!  

Well that's it for the moment folks as back to work tomorrow so housework, washing and ironing is currently calling my name..  oh Mr Vacuum how I love you so..  NOT!  

Toddles for now and happy crafting

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