Monday 28 December 2015

Santa has been and gone

Well folks that's it all by with for another year and hope you all had a marvellous time. 

Last week just seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye.. 
Tuesday I was out running about delivering cards and presents and visiting an old friend who's husband recently passed away. 
Wednesday I was at work and delivering some more cards in the evening as well as wrapping a few gifts. 
Thursday was a marvellous day with cooking and cleaning before my step daughter and her husband came over to celebrate Christmas.   We never have them on Christmas Day as it's too much to expect them to visit us, her Mum and stepdad, her husbands parents plus grandparents..  We always have them either Christmas Eve or Boxing Day and that helps ease the pressure on them.   Yes we miss out but hey ho..  We must put them before ourselves.  I have so much respect for my husband and his way of thinking.  He's only ever spent one full Christmas day with her and that's when she was 1 year old (she's 26 now) and we haven't seen her at all on Christmas day for the last decade.   That to me is a Father being totally selfless and putting his daughter before himself so she can enjoy her day just a little bit more by having less running around to do. 
Friday we had Mum over to help celebrate the big day.  Always nice to spend time with oldies as I tell her lol.
Saturday was a chill out day with a little cleaning up and emptying the washing basket.
Sunday was another chilled out day (almost) with a lovely walk in the park just before dusk.   This is my favourite picture of the day as it's simply lit my headlights from the car.   Now..  today my hairdryer decided it was gonna be it's last day of use as the motor decided to start whirring at me half way through the drying session so new one is on the agenda for me to pick up asap..  then just before 11pm a very panicked mother calls to say the water is running through her bedroom ceiling!!!  Great eh!   So the boots and coat were on and off I set..  Thankfully by the time I got there her neighbour was in and had managed to turn all the stopcocks off.  So we've stopped the flow, got buckets both in the attic and in the bedroom and towels everywhere on the floor.   Unfortunately she has no lighting up there so it's difficult to see what exactly is the problem but it could be the floaty ball thing in the water tank has broken and hasn't stopped the water flow.   Hopefully hubby can see the extent of it tomorrow once we have some daylight. 

So..  That's a rundown on my last week and on that note as it's almost 2am I'm off to chill for a half hour or so before bed.

Toodles for now

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