Tuesday 22 December 2015

Letter of thanks

Well folks it's been a day..  neighbours alarm went off in the middle of the night so didn't get much sleep.  At work today I managed to bash my hip and drop a wooden pallet on my foot..  In my defence I wasn't being clumsy, just a wet pallet and wet hands didn't agree with each other lol.  

Had a lovely evening with my wee mummy celebrating her birthday and upon opening my mail I found this lovely letter.

At the beginning of this week the first of the stuff I collected for the homeless was dropped off and this is a letter of thanks from them.  If only they knew I received all the thanks I need just by knowing I gave to them. 

To all those who donated to me for them..  hand crocheted blankets and hats, new and used clothes and footwear, toiletries and food I really can't thank you enough and I hope each one of you have a blessed Christmas.   I have such amazing friends.  My youngest and very first person to donate is only 15 years old.  I'm so very proud of her just as I know her Mum & Dad are too.  She's an exceptional young lady! 

Anyhow, off to catch up with some tv now so will bid you a fond farewell.


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