Saturday 5 December 2015

It's Frosty..

Well folks it's frosty outdoors, blowing a hooley and not quite sure how much more rain the sky can throw at us!

Needless to say it's been a bit of an indoors day which was fine as I have so much to do.  House cleaned, washing done, caught up on some paperwork but still quite a bit to go, sorted more stuff for the homeless that was kindly donated and have made a start on my own Christmas cards at long last.  Still got the presents to buy right enough lol. 

Tomorrow will be a day of finishing off the die cutting and then construction of 55 cards.  Sadly this year it will only be my family and close friends receiving a handmade card and the rest will be shop bought as I just have so many other things to do over the next few weeks.  Oh and the old mummy needs taking out to buy her stuff too. 

Time for me to go sit down and relax a bit now before bed although I'm not quite sure how good that will go as Mr Windy is rattling the letter box every now and then without warning.   Oh and I've been out chasing the rubbish from the paper bin as it got blown over in the wind even though it had a brick on top of it..  there's nothing quite like scrapping sodding wet kitchen roll off a tarmac road at 9.30pm in the howling wind and lashing rain!! 

Time for hot chocolate.. 


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