Sunday 4 October 2015

Wednesday joys..

Having missed my blog post yesterday I really am running behind now.. I've only reached Wednesday even though it's now Sunday so let's try for a little catch up.

Wednesday was another glorious day so the early hours were spent indoors doing jobs around the house.   I'd purchased a couple of canvases a few months back but never quite got round to hanging them so good girl me managed to tick another chore off the to do list as they now have new homes on the wall.. 

Then there was the craft room..  OMG it looked like hell so little by little I made a start on the front section of the room clearing up the clutter from the pic desk and sorting out all the stuff that needed filed from that for shredding.  I won't tell you just how much shredding ended up being done! 

Now as the sun was shining I couldn't waste the whole day indoors so I toddled out to the garden and got another bit done out there..  more bushes trimmed back and chopped down.  It's amazing how much the garden opens up come winter once all the foliage is trimmed and pruned. 

Thankfully I was blessed with yet another stunning sunset.  I'm so glad my Dad taught me how to appreciate the good things in life that nature provides free of charge.  

So that's us up to date on Wednesday and before I post any more I'm off out with the hubby as we've got a few things to do today so will bid you farewell for now..


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