Thursday 1 October 2015

Trip to the seaside

Don't you just love the colours in this rock pool?

Monday we decided to take ourselves off to be by the sea for a few hours.   We had a lovely time walking across the rocks and exploring all the little pools the sea leaves behind.  Had to be careful right enough as they were a tad on the slippery side but still very enjoyable. 

Exploring rock pools is something I've done since my childhood and have many happy memories of gazing in to them over the years.  My love for them has never died as there's always something to be found in their depths if you just take the time to look.

After our stroll rather than popping in to our usual restaurant Scotts we opted for a local chippie then a wander round the shops before heading home.

So..  that was Monday..  tomorrow I may tell you about the visitors I had in the garden on Tuesday lol. 


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