Sunday 27 September 2015

Macmillan fun

Sorry I've been AWOL folks but it's been a busy week.   Last weekend the boys were at Ally Pally for the stamping show so what they brought back had to be unloaded and put away, combined with our normal deliveries it was a hectic week and the shop was really busy too customer wise. 

On top of that we had final preparations for our Macmillan coffee morning on Friday so we had all the tables laid out set with flowers and a massive selection of handmade cakes which went down a treat.

We had somewhere in the region of 50 raffle prizes and this is just one of them.   A special one made just for us by one of our lovely customers.   Isn't it amazing!!! 
Anyway I'm off on holiday this week so spending a few days with the old hubby as we haven't had any quality time for quite a while.  Need to spend a day with the old mother too and take her somewhere nice.  Thursday I sadly have the funeral of an old school friend I've known since I was 4 years old and started primary.  In between I'm hoping to get some work done in the garden and a little crafting too. 

There are major road works where I live so currently on the days I work I don't get home till around 7pm and by the time I've organised tea and done cleaned up I'm too tired to start anything creative and I'm really missing it.   I sssoooo need to get back to my inky ways as I'm feeling deprived and empty inside. 

Anyway I'm off to get the washing on and hopefully a nice dry out on the line as although it's only 12° it's dry with a beautiful blue sky. 

Toodles for now

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