Tuesday 29 September 2015

A little twinkle

What a wonderful day it's been here weather wise with fabulous blue skies all day and a pleasant temperature of 17°.  

Housework has been merrily done and 3 loads of washing air dried on the line outside so they smell lovely.  I do so hate winter drying indoors or using the tumble dryer it just never seems the same. 

Yesterday we took a trip to the sea so will upload some pics of that later but for now I'm off to potter in the garden for a short while before the sun fades and the temperature drops.

Well folks here's another picture that was lying in my album but wasn't uploaded.. 

Products used

Sweet Poppy Stencil of deer
Sweet poppy stencil for the stars
Creative Expressions paste
DO Crafts adhesive tape
DO Crafts embellishment

Catch ya all later

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