Tuesday 4 August 2015

Wendy Vecchi road trip

I know it's been a long time but there's been so much going on..  extra hours at work.. redecorating.. garden maintenance etc etc etc. 

Thankfully I had some holiday time booked and our trip we started planning last year finally arrived..  oh yeah..  We were off to London to attend a Wendy Vecchi workshop.

Friday morning I was up and off to Edinburgh airport to catch my plane to Luton where I was met by my gorgeous friend Hels and we had a lovely journey back to hers where we spent almost the remainder of the day chilling in the garden and having a good old catch up.   In the evening I had the pleasure of watching the bats and even saw the International space station not just once but twice as it orbited the earth..  amazing it can do such a journey in a mere 90 minutes. 

Saturday morning we were joined by Pauline and off we set like a group of chuckling teenagers to the train station heading for London Baby. 

After many a cheerful song such as 'Going Underground' and 'goodbye piccadilly' we arrived at our hotel.  I have to say I don't think I have ever stayed in a cleaner hotel!  Now there were a few antics occurred in the room over the next 24 hours but you know that saying of 'what happens in London stays in London'..  I'm sorry but I really do have to apply that rule here lol.  Anyway after dumping our cases we headed off to spend the afternoon at Camden Market and meet up with Sue.  Absolutely fantastic place to spend time and who says London has to be expensive..  baked potato with cheese for lunch..  A mere £3.50.   Way better things to spend our money on than sitting in an overpriced restaurant.  Anyways after a pit stop back at the hotel to freshen up we then headed off to the pub for a bite to eat and oh boy..  yet more hilarity!

Now I would like to say we all had a good restful night in prep for our workshop the following day but no way..  We were having way too much fun to be dull and sleep..  Hels Pauline and myself had booked a triple room so I'm sure you can imagine just how far in to the wee small hours of Sunday morning we went giggling away..  to be honest I'm surprised we weren't asked to turn the volume down.   Anyway after what was probably about 3 hours sleep we were up and filled with excitement again as the day had finally arrived!!! 

Sunday we got the cases packed jumped in a taxi and headed off for our workshop with Wendy Vecchi..  oh my giddy aunt..  how amazing to actually have Wendy there herself (and her lovely husband who helped throughout the day).   During the morning session we worked away on our external box techniques then after lunch we were on to tags..  sorry I haven't managed to take pictures of my finished project yet but this is one I took just before we broke at lunch.   I will do a separate post later.

So after our workshop ended we headed off for our final dinner in London then started the journey back to Hels where we continued our giggles. 

Sadly Monday morning arrived all too soon and it was time to come home..  We spent a lovely few hours sat in the garden chatting away over coffee then made the last 15 mins dash to get ready before my journey home began. 

I had an awesome weekend with memories that I will treasure for a very long time to come.  My hosts Hels and Graham opened their home to me and I cannot thank them enough.  Their level of hospitality speaks volumes about the people they themselves are.   Warm and loving.   No other words required!!!  You know when a person tells you to make yourself at home..  well I truly did and daft things like being able to make them both a cup of coffee made me feel like I truly was at home. 

Well that was a long post eh!   Time to get the next load of washing on now and back to normality.   Think a craft room clear up is in the agenda for later.  It's been so long since I've had a proper good session creating for myself but Wendy has gave me the oomph to get rolling again.  Thank you Wendy! 

Back later with my complete project after I take pics. 

Toodles xxx


  1. I couldn't have had better company to share my trip with Scotty
    Here's to the next one
    P xx

  2. Sounds like you had so much fun,before, during and after the workshop. I really hope you called ahead and told London you were going!!!! :0)
