Wednesday 27 May 2015

Pearl Izumi Tour Series

Motherwell has today had the privilege of being host to this fantastic Tour Series and what a show they put on. 

So many dedicated sports men and women competing in fast paced street racing.  Not many towns have the opportunity to host such fantastic events so to have it in my own home town felt fantastic.

There were numerous youth races throughout the afternoon,  street entertainment and the two big races were tonight.  Ladies at 5.30pm and mens at 7.30pm.   Ladies raced for 50 mins and men for 60 mins plus 5 laps which also included several sprint laps.   To see these athletes in action was nothing less than superb.  Such stamina and strength both mentally and physically. 

I took a wander over at 5pm along with a neighbour and her son.  After the ladies race we popped in to a local restaurant for some dinner and were out in perfect timing to secure our spot at the start/finish line for the gents.  We finally strolled home again just before 10pm.. slightly cold but full of laughter.

Here's hoping we have the opportunity to host this fantastic event again in the future and huge thanks to organisers and athletes for bringing their sport to my town. 

Time for bed now so toodles


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