Monday 25 May 2015

Fantastic memorable day

Well Saturday was the bosses big day when they finally lived their dream and became Husband & Wife.  

I can honestly say it's one of the best wedding I've been to.  Lots of love and laughter filled the air from beginning to end and by end I mean when we finally arrived home just before 2 am on Sunday morning lol.

The company was second to none and the food was delicious.. The groom,  best man and ushers were very smart in their tartan attire and the bridesmaids looked beautiful but I have to say the bride stole the show (as she should) as she was simply radiant.  

You see so many dresses with layer upon layer of tulle... Some are so low cut you're waiting for a boob to pop out and some are so heavily encrusted you actually wonder just how much it weighs.   Gaynor's I have to say was what I describe as plain and eloquent.   Her skirt was not encrusted or anything but sat beautiful throughout the whole of the day..  The bodice was covered in such delicate lace and to finish it off was a beautiful silk ribbon and bow around the waistband with a diamond and pearl embellishment in the centre.   It was simply devine.  

All that's really left to say is a huge thank you to Donald & Gaynor for allowing me to be a part of such a special day for them and one I will remember for a very long time to come. 


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