Tuesday 21 April 2015

Flying Around..

Well folks that's how I feel.. like I'm flying around everywhere right now lol.   My 3 days off went by in the blink of an eye and by the time I had sorted all of hubby's paperwork and done the housework there wasn't much time for anything else.  I did however manage to cut the front and back grass (first time this year!), wash my wash and buy a new mattress.  Been having terrible problems with my back the last few months and came to the conclusion that my 2 year old mattress wasn't helping it so trundled off on Sunday and after much testing decided on the one I found the best.  Now I just need to wait a few weeks till it's delivered.  Will be a happy girl if it's as good when it arrives. 

Anyway I managed to squeeze in a little bit of play time tonight but can't get any decent pictures so those will have to wait till the weekend when I'm off but here's a wee sneaky peek in the meantime. 

Extravaganza weekend is coming up shortly in the shop (2nd & 3rd May) so need to get busy with making some samples this week..  I've got a right wee collection of things to play with too so will be a busy wee bee.

Well folks it's early hours so best head to bed and get some zzzzzz's before work.

Toodles for now

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