Sunday 4 January 2015

Spring cleaning

Finally over the last few days we've been making use of our time off work and we've cleared every wardrobe and cupboard in the house.  

The first batch that left the house on Saturday entailed 9 bags being delivered to the local PDSA shop and by the end of today we now have an additional 6 bags to go to the PDSA tomorrow and hubby has been to the recycle plant with 7 bags.

Think we need to hang our heads in shame that we've stored this much!

Oh yeah and the crimbo tree and decs have been dismantled and are now back in storage too.

Lots to do tomorrow including a mahoosive pile of ironing so now I've done my bit on here to update ya all I think I'll pour myself a wee Southern Comfort and chill for a while.

Hope you've all had a lovely time over the festive season and here's looking forward to what 2015 holds in store for us.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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