Wednesday 10 December 2014

Simple sparkle

Just a quick post folks as it's already after 3am and the alarm is set to go off in 4 hours.

Felt good to be back at work today instead of stuck in the house but boy oh boy.. what a day weather wise.  I heard the wind, saw the rain and wouldn't be surprised if I simply missed  the hail as it's been torrential most of the day.

Tonight I've spent chatting with friends and my wee mum on the phone followed by the final construction of my wreath for this coming Saturday's workshop. 

Anyway on to what was yesterday's make.  I started with 2 polystyrene cones, dowling rods, silver paint, mica flakes.

After adding a lick of paint, a coating of mod podge and a sprinkle of mica flakes before sealing with more mod podge I've now got another 2 sparkly trees to blend in with the ones I done last week.   Looks there's gonna be a lot of glitter around the house this crimbo season.   I can't wait!  

On that note I'm off to bed in the hope the sandman visits soon. 

Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. These look great :)
    just to let you know Blogger has turned on everyone's Your not a robot settings
    have to switch to embedded comments
    hugs Nikki
