Friday 24 October 2014

Teddy bear hugs

Now how could you resist a cuddle with this little guy?  

Thanks to my position on the Jones Crafts DT I was able to play with the adorable new KaiserCraft range called Teddy Bears Picnic and decided that my first project would be created using one of the Candy Box Crafts heart shaped mirror frames.

As always with CBC kits they piece together beautifully and this one comes complete with mirror too so all you need to add are your papers, embellishments etc.  

This paper range has a variety of designs from muted to bright and has textured designs also such as this faux stitching and there's even some fur too!   

Wouldn't this make a fab gift for a childs room or even for a new born baby where mummy could hang it in the nursery.   

Sorry it took so long to get proper pictures uploaded but the weather is just not on my side by the time I get home from work and I prefer natural over artificial but we got there eventually.  

Well dinner is currently in the oven so I think tonight may have to entail some more crafting just to ensure I'm well relaxed for the busy day ahead in the shop tomorrow..  that's gonna be my excuse anyway lol.  

Hope you all have a fun weekend planned and one that includes some creativity too.

Toodles for now.
Lorraine xxx 

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful, love the heart shaped box with a mirror!
