Monday 20 October 2014

Well I've finally got time to sit down and post a few more pictures and type some text..  so what's been happening?  

Friday afternoon at 2pm I took myself off for a wee Reiki session..  ehh..  not quite sure it turned out to be so wee as I didn't actually leave until 5.15pm lol.   What a wonderful practitioner and I will certainly be returning.  I know a lot of people are sceptical but I have to say it works for me.   She was spot on and narrowed in on my back and chest. Now I've been fighting a bit of a chesty cough and even my husband (who is very skeptical) is surprised at the difference since Friday.  As for my back..  well she said that was so bad she was surprised I'd actually been able to walk never mind work.  Now pain is something that we can't see and no-one knows the levels that others actually suffer but I have to say she was pretty spot on with that too.   I've suffered a lot with my back and can honestly say I haven't had a pain free day for so long now that I had forgotten what it felt like.  I'd actually just accepted that I was going to go through the rest of my life suffering pain and was prepared to just get on with it.  Well...  since Friday I've had so much relief it's unbelievable and again my husband is shocked that I've not been asking him to rub pain relief cream on and have had absolutely no pain killers.   I'm feeling on cloud nine right now and can't wait for my next session..  hopefully a shorter one now that I seem to be doing a little better lol.   Friday night didn't bring much but sleep, sleep & more sleep..  that is a miracle for me eh!  

Saturday I didn't do too much..  lazy start to the day, shopping and a wee bite to eat with mum followed by a night watching the music channels on tv and dancing/singing the night away till the wee small hours.  

Today has been a household day, washing, hoovering etc so it's been rather non eventful but we did have a little sunshine which allowed me the opportunity to get a few pics of my latest project albeit I still have some more pearls etc to add but doubting I will get another photo opportunity this week as the weather is set to turn a little on the nasty side tomorrow.  

So..  what is this project all about?  

It's my latest Jones Crafts (link at top) DT project using the gorgeous KaiserCraft Rustic Harmony collection.  I started by painting and distressing my frame then attached a sheet of 12×12 paper behind the front layer.  It was then a matter of deciding on embellieshments and placement.  This may very well end up being a birthday gift for mum as the colours would fit perfect in her bedroom and she loves when I make her stuff as no-one else has the same.  She currently has a hanging wall clock and personalised coasters in her living room and takes pride in telling people where she got them.  Lol.  

Oh well I guess I've gone on enough for one night so will depart for the time being.  Off to visit a friend tomorrow and help her empty a few boxes in her new home then hopefully get a litte evening craft session.  

Sunshine & smiles
Lorraine xxx 

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