Thursday 30 October 2014

Just Incase!

Sorry I've been naughty and missed a few days posting but I'm back and here's a quick run down of what's been keeping me away.  

Sunday began with a little bit of a lie in complete with breakfast in bed.  Then early afternoon I collected mum and we took a wee trip in to the SECC as I had a few peeps to see.  Funny thing was we only got to the walkway from the carpark when I bumped in to someone I know.  

Now this was my first visit attending the ICHF craft show as a consumer for about 8 years as I'm usually entering as a trader and I have to say I was not at all impressed.  So let me start at the beginning..  first up you now have to park in the SSE Hydro multi storey car parkwhich only has pay stations on the 2nd floor!!!  Cost of which is £7.00.  Then you have to make your way out of the car park along the 'open to the elements' skywalk..  who the dickens designed that!!!  Then you have the queue for one of the lifts that holds a whopping 6 people max!!!!  Once at the other end you can either choose to walk to the venue which we did Iin the howling wind and pouring rain, or you can queue in the same howling wind and pouring rain to wait on an oopen golf buggy to drive you to the venue.  Either way we were going to be cold, windswept & wet..  Not a good start!   So by the time we arrive it is now 2.30pm and the show closes at 4.30pm.   Admission prices...  exact same as if we had entered at 9.30am!!!  £9.00 for myself and a concessionary ticket for my 73 year old mother at £8.00!!!!!  How generous of them to knock off a whole quid for the elderly eh!!!   Mother now decides to buyone of the show guides offered to her by a girl walking around with an arm full of them.  Not surprised she had so many as they are now up to £2.00!!!   

So let's see just how much it has cost for 1 adult and 1 OAP to attend the show for 2 hours..

Parking £7.00
1 adult £9.00
1 OAP £8.00
Guide £2.00

Grand Total....  £26.00!!!!!!      

Think I'd rather have spent that on some craft goodies instead of just getting in the front door.

So...  after all that I felt somewhat unwell whilst in the show and had to make a swift departure and grab a coffee before attempting the drive home.  Absolutely no idea what was up but I suddenly had this popping bubble effect in my ears, a bile sickness feeling in my stomach and my balance didn't feel quite right.   Poor mum thought she was going to have to take my keys and drive me home lol.  Needless to say I went straight to bed and thankfully felt better on Monday morning. 

Now Monday started with a nice Reiki session, followed by an afternoon of housework, washing and a few visitors..  good way to enjoy a day off I'd say.

Tuesday I was confined to the house waiting on DPD delivering a parcel and my good friend Pauline Wheeler had made me feel guilty by tidying up her craft room so I decided to make use of my confinement and start a major clear out of the crafty hell hole..  you know how we all have that 'just incase' stash...  well mine is going!!!   So far I have filled a box for my friends daughter and another of stuff that I will give away to crafters or donate to llcal groups.   Worst part of it all...  I'm not even half way through!  Now the box below shows the amount of pens in that box in the pic above..  I won't tell you the exact figure but let's just say it's a 3 figure amount!!!   Shocking really.  

Anyway, on to today..  when I was back to work in the shop.   Few deliveries, pile of internet orders, lovely customers and a catch up with the girls.  Chill session once I got home before hubby's arrival and the dinner ritual commenced.   Now we are in the process of setting up a shop blog and Alan has been ever so good in uploading some card designs along with product lists but as he is not a crafter it's been left to me to type up some instructions so that's another 3 done tonight ready for him to upload tomorrow.

Finally...  it's time for me to get my pj's on and catch some beauty sleep before the alarm goes off in 5 hours.  

Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx 

1 comment:

  1. They really do empty your wallet just to go to those shows & just to make it through the doors. Guess they don't want you to buy anything when there ?
