Tuesday 5 August 2014

Home bound flight

Where oh where do the days go?   It's a true saying that time passes quicker the older you get. 

This weekend I've been tuning in to the last of the Commonwealth Games and have to say I've been impressed at how well organised Glasgow has been to keep the city flowing as best it could and create a warm welcome to all our international visitors. 

Nowt much else has happened apart from the usual humdrum known as housework and washing.  Well there's not been much time actually as the games only finished on Sunday lol.  This morning I awoke with the most terrible headache and terrible feeling of sick so bad in fact that I did actually end up hanging over the bowl awaiting that dreaded event.   Thankfully it wasn't too bad so I had a little porridge and over time it seemed to settle.  Phew... was worried I had a nasty bug but seems to have passed now. 

Tonight I've been working on some project sheets as a follow through from my recent demo at Stampers Grove and also made a start on 60 thank you cards for an order.   Guess I'll be working day and night this week lol.  

So, what am I sharing with you all today?   A nice little wooden plaque which I covered in Kroma Crackle before stamping and adhering some elements.  Just have to attach a hanging hook to the back then it's ready for hanging. 

Well it's past bedtime so gonna sign off as have work in the morning.  

Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx

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