Tuesday 26 August 2014


Well goodness,  gracious me have I been naughty or what.. A whole week has flown past and I've completely failed to post.   Promise I've not just been lazing about doing sod all, rather the opposite in fact!

Last Monday & Tuesday I was working on Britannia samples for the upcoming extravaganza weekend at Craft World on 6th & 7th Sept.  Sadly I can only do the Saturday due to a previous booking.  

Wednesday,  Thursday & Friday I was working in the shop and boy did we have a busy week as the new Sue Wilson dies arrived so it was time to pack all the pre orders that were awaiting dispatch which meant we lost a member of staff to that which kept the rest of us busy on the shop floor.   This week will be the same as the new Spellbinders will be the focus and no doubt the new stock will start arriving for the extravaganza weekend.

Saturday morning I was up and at it again, this time I was off to help Debbi Moore at one of her workshops..  If I were to say there were a few laughs it would be a complete understatement!!!   What a fabulous bunch of women and hopefully we'll be repeating the fun again in November. 

Finally we've reached Sunday & Monday,  my days off.. eh... NOT.   I've spent them working on samples for the trade show in Perth at the beginning of Sept where I'll be working with the fun loving guys from Jones Crafts, Nottingham.   Last year they led me astray by teaching me how to play poker so hoping they're better behaved this year but I'm not holding out much hope for them  lol.

Today's card was for my little adopted daughter who's birthday it was last weekend.  Card went down an absolute treat as did her tshirts and fabric paint.   It's the adopted sons next weekend so here's hoping that goes as well.

Anyway it's midnight now and I've got work in the morning so signing off to go for a wee chill out hour before hitting the hay.   

Happy crafting
Lorraine  xxx

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