Wednesday 30 July 2014

The wonders of life

Wow.. how time flies.  I've just realised that my last post was on Thursday.  So what's been happening?   Let's see now.

Friday seen us celebrate our wedding anniversary.  Hubby went to work and as for me well, I toddled off for a pampering at the hair dresser, just got back and my very dear friend called to say 'put the kettle on'.   We don't get much time together as she lives down south but we're hoping that one day soon she'll be coming home again.   Distance has made no difference and even 20+ years later we're still like sisters.   What a precious afternoon we spent together.   Then in the evening I got my demo kit packed ready for the morning.

Saturday seen me off to James & Emma at Stampers Grove in Edinburgh to teach 5 mini workshops.  Rather a few hoots were had and every class was pushed to do a little something more than the group before.  Lol.  Had to have a wee early night as I was running on 3 hours sleep from the night before!

Sunday got off to a very lazy start as I made up some lost sleep with 11 straight hours lol.   Rest of the day was spent just chilling about the house doing sod all and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

Monday didn't see my doing too much else apart from housework, washing & I spent some time in the garden cutting grass and trimming bushes.  Oh well I did have a wee visit from mum in the evening too.

Tuesday I was back in Craft World for my usual wee shift catching up with everyone.   New spellbinders dies are now available to pre - order on the website do the printer was certainly kept busy lol.  I've heard rumour that the new Sue Wilson ones will be added soon too but don't tell anyone I let that slip! 

The ongoing excitement lately has revolved around the Commonwealth boxing as a wee laddie from my home town is competing.  Now I knew his granda and his dad growing up so to see him in the ring is awesome.    Wee Reece McFadden is only 19, not long moved in to the senior division and this is his first international competition.   On Friday night I was screaming at the TV as I watched his first fight and was over the moon he won.  Along came Sunday and both Mum & I were screaming at the TV as he won his second fight.  How exciting.   Well today I was working and missed his quarter final fight so thanks to Alan in my work I managed to watch it during my lunch break..  Go on my son, three wins in a row.  His next fight is Friday when thankfully I can watch and if all goes well I'll be glued to the TV again on Saturday for the final.   Would be an amazing achievement if he could bring the Gold home to Motherwell but whether he does or not his home town is proud of him and what an awesome experience for one so young.   I have a feeling that there's gonna be one hell of a party here no matter which way it goes lol. 

Oh well I've ranted away a bit tonight and guess I should try and get some sleep as only had about 4 hours last night and it's already near 2 am and alarm is set for 7am. 

Night all
Lorraine xxx

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