Wednesday 16 July 2014

Sue Wilson & Julia Watts demo day at Craft World

What an amazing day!

This is how we started the morning with these 2 cheery faces inside the building,  a queue of people standing waiting on the gates to open and another queue of vehicles being patiently parked up in the surrounding streets.   It's kind of weird having over 100 people waiting for the doors to open  lol. 

Needless to say it was a very busy day with lots of bustle, helping customers fill their baskets and plenty laughs along the way.   We even got a few wee treats brought in by customers to keep us going.   They really are the best and take care of us throughout the year with cakes, biscuits & sweets. 

Both Sue & Julia had 3 demo sessions commencing at 9.30, 12.00 & 2.30.   We had so many people wanting to attend we had to issue tickets so we could control the flow lol.   Can you imagine having over 100 people at all 3 sessions combined with walk in customers too!   Yes it was a very busy day indeed and I don't think any member of staff went home without aching feet tonight but it was well worth it and the feedback we have received so far is awesome.  

Although attempting not to think of the clear up to be done tomorrow I also have to be realistic and face facts it's time to head to bed for some well earned rest. 

Hope everyone had as good a day as I did. 
Lorraine xxx

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