Tuesday 8 July 2014

Pitter Patter

Can you hear those tiny feet???  I sure feel like I have today as I've been playing with one of the new KaiserCraft collections called Pitter Patter courtesy of Jones Crafts Nottingham. 

Now, I don't have any children of my own so who was I going to use for my scrap page.. hhmmm I know... my brother!   Quite appropriate really as today would have been his 52nd birthday had he still been here with us.   July 8th 1962 by mum gave birth to her bouncing bundle of joy and no doubt dreamt of what lay ahead in years to come never imagining that one day she would have to say goodbye to him so today I dedicate this page to my big brother Thomas (or Tommy as I preferred to call him in my youthful days).

Not sure of when exactly this picture was taken nor wanting to put the year of his death I decided just to mark it with his month and year of birth as mum will understand what it means. 

This collection contains some gorgeous papers along with the sweetest sentiments and embellishment packs.  Scrap pages are not something I claim to be an expert on but I did have fun putting this one together and then when I had my layout planned it was simply a matter of finding the perfect photo to fit and fit it did.. right through the slot I made on the frame.  Once everything was layered in place it was simply a matter of adhering the scrolls, buttons & flowers to finish the whole thing off.

If any retailer out there is interested in stocking this range please feel free to contact Jones Crafts of Nottingham and ask for further details. 

Now all I have to do is find the perfect frame to mount this in and gift it to my mum as I know she'll give it pride of place in the house.   Her blue eyed boy as we often used to joke. 

Happy birthday Tommy, love & miss you every day. 

Right folks it's time for bed as I'm working in the morning and the old back just isn't doing well at all so need to give it as much rest as possible.  

Happy crafting

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