Monday 5 May 2014

Time flies

Well I was surprised to see its been almost a week since my last post. .  Funny how time flies when you're having fun. 

So what have I been up to..  last Tues, Wed & Thurs I was in the shop and boy did we get hammered with deliveries!   You see we've got one of our big weekend craft extravaganzas this coming weekend (10th & 11th) so there will be 10 demonstrators, including myself, beavering away from 10 am - 4 pm both days.  Now can you get an idea of just how much new stock we've had delivered lol.

Friday I done some chores, followed by a little crafting then a hospital appointment and dinner out.   Saturday hubby was at work so got the washing done and made a start on another sample.   Sunday I didn't do much at all as I felt pretty unwell most of the day and had a little temperature followed by one of the crapiest nights sleep..  I woke up every 60-90 minutes the whole night long.  On to today..  well I only went and pulled a damn muscle in my back which is so tickly I can't even cough without being in agony.  Hubby & I also took mum out this afternoon for a wee coffee & bite to eat then when we returned I got stuck in to my sample again..  can't afford to allow the back pain to get in my way so big girl knickers were pulled up nice & tight.  So I sadly can't share the finished project in its entirety just yet but here's a wee sneaky peek for you to peruse.   Can't wait till Saturday when I can start sharing them all with you.

Well I'm back to work in the morning so just about ready to eat a mahoosive pain killer and hit the sack in hope it feels better in the morning.  Hope you've all had a fantabulous weekend.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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