Sunday 27 April 2014

Cracking Up

Afternoon all..  had lots going on this week.   Work, mum, house, nails, broken phone which had to be replaced and working on samples.

I've got a 2 day demo coming up on the 10th & 11th of May at Craft World and ooohhh la la do I love what I have to use..  oh yes I do.. lol.

Sadly can't share full pics at the moment but here's a sneaky little peek in the meantime.  Wood, paint, crackle and gorgeous papers..  what more can a girl want!!! 

Well must dash as it's time to get organised and off to visit mum shortly as she has a 'To Do' list ready for hubby and I to start on..  oh the joys..  lol. 

Toodles for now.
Lorraine xxx


  1. Looking forward to seeing the finished project hunny admit looks amazing so far
    P xx

  2. I saw a bigger sneakier peek and it's gorgeous!Looking forward to the demo weekend.I've got a fair few cards done xx

  3. Loving the crackle effect, look forward to seeing finished item. Julie x

  4. looking great Loz, can't wait to see the bigger picture x
