Sunday 9 March 2014

Visible Image.

My week feels so mixed up..  was off Tuesday instead of working, in shop Wed & Thurs, was off Fri so worked at SECC, worked shop today when normally I'd be off and tomorrow I'm working with Pink Frog Crafts again at the SECC..  wee day off on Monday to reset the system and back to normal next week in shop Tues, Wed, Thurs.  

Anyway, as you know I was at the trade show a few weeks ago and the orders have been piling in ever since so thought I'd share some of the new products with you..  and needless to say I've spent more than a pound or two already and there's still more to arrive!!!  

Well its past my bedtime and I've a long day ahead at the show so off to bed now.  

Nighty night

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