Monday 31 March 2014

Sneak peek

Morning all.   Sorry I missed yesterdays post but had some stuff I needed to deal with. 

I've been beavering away on a new project in the background but there's still a bit to go so can only give you a wee peek at the moment.  There's a fab MDF base shape from Candy Box Crafts combined with some gorgeous G45 papers. 

Damn these stupid clocks going forward too..  ended up not going to bed till 4am, then the hubster was having a disturbed night which didn't help.  Thankfully once he got up in the morning I managed to nod off and get some needed slumber.   Today's plans went out the window too!   Lol. 

Monday is going to be a busy day.   Need to rise at a decent time (no lunch time lie ins).  Lol.   Housework, washing, ironing need to be done, want to try squeeze in a little bit craft before heading to hospital to visit mums hubby.   By time we get home I will need to organise dinner and sort paperwork for a 7pm meeting.   Hopefully I'll get home at a decent time so I can see hubby for a wee hour or so before bed as I won't have seen him at all.  He'll be gone to work before I awake, and I'll be left for meeting before he gets home.  Lucky we don't have the need to live in each other's pocket.   Lol. 

Time to sign off I guess as its 2.40am and I need some zzzzz's. 


1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing the finished result
    P xx
