Monday 3 March 2014

Fab birthday

What a fantastic birthday..  cards, flowers, chocolates, alcohol, clothes,
cash & my very special Espa massage oil.  How spoiled did I feel?

So I thought I'd share a few pics with you including these 3 beauties from my wonderful friends, Hels Sheridan, Pauline Wheeler & Susan Jones.   The words alone made me feel very special never mind the fact that these 3 very busy ladies took the time out of their busy work schedules to make these for me.  Love them all to bits but they already know that.  Lol.

My wee surrogate daughter also gave me a gorgeous big bunch of flowers, chocolates and a bottle of strawberry daiquiri but I have to say the most precious part was what she wrote in my card..  from your most favourite person in the world..  she knows me too well.  Lol.

My darling step daughter and son in law were very generous and treated me to my favourite massage oil from Espa.   Amazing how it helps ease the old aches & pains.

My wee mummy gave me cash.   She knows I like to have a wee blow out.  Lol.

Hubby treated me to breakfast in bed, clothes and flowers followed with a delicious lunch out.  Don't think I had to lift a hand all day as he
pampered me.

Oh well I guess that's it by with for another year..  hhmmm wonder if I can get away with being 27 yet again.  Lol.

Am thinking that tomorrow I will make a start on clearing my craft room as I've got an extra wee day at home on Tuesday as its been swapped so this week's work schedule is as follows..  Wed & Thurs working in shop, Friday working on Pink Frog stand at SECC then Saturday back in shop.   Hope I remember to drive to the right destination on the right days.  Lol.

Oh well.. going to sign off now so will say nighty night.

Love & hugs
Lorraine xxx


  1. Happy belated birthday wishes. Lovely to hear how spoilt you were and well deserved too.
    Linda xxx

  2. So sorry i missed wishing you a Happy Birthday Lorraine so glad you was spoilt and had a lovely day Hugs Sandra xx
