Monday 24 March 2014

Bird Cage Flutters

Well howdy folks..  its been a while!  

Am glad to say the last few days have been slightly more routine than of late so I've actually managed to sit and make something.  My colour combo often depicts my mood so this one does tell quite a bit..  its got green, pink and black all thrown in together.   Think that indicates a mixture of ups & downs in life.   Lol. 

So what products have I used?   Here goes..

Bird Cage is by Candy Box Crafts and available to Retailers via Jones Crafts Notts or we also sell them to the public in Craft World.

Reeves Course Texture Gel

Acrylic Paint

Memory Box Pinwheel Posie die

Britannia flower dies (small, medium & large)

Creative Expression stick pins

Bling self adhesive pearls

Idea-ology pieces. 

Inka Gold

This has been a great piece to work with..  fits together beautifully and can really hold all the layers I've added.  If anything its just strengthened it even more, not made it buckled under the pressure. 

Boss called me today to ask if I could swap shifts this week so I've now got a wee unexpected day off tomorrow and I'm working Friday instead.   Hhmmm wonder what mischief I can get up to in my craft room tomorrow.   Lol. 

Right well, best sign off as need to bring the washing in before the cold sets in too much and have a look at what to make for dinner.   Hope you're all having crafty fun.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx


  1. Love the textures you have made on your birdcage. All looks beautiful, Julie x

  2. Hi hunny, am loving your birdcage and gotta make me some fuchsias now I've seen yours
    Much love
    P xx
