Thursday 6 February 2014

Sweet tweet

A wee peak at tonight's creation.  Full reveal will be made next week.

Lots going on in life at the moment so I've sadly had very little time for my blog or facebook but am doing my best to fit everything in and I'm always available via message if anyone needs to get hold of me. 

Today has been a typical day..  up, ready and off to work, returned home about 6.30, chilled over a cuppa for half hour then organised dinner and had a quick clean up.   Dishes done, animals fed and settled down to a bit of crafting for a few hours.  The day has flown by!   Now it's just after midnight so off for a quick flick through a mag before hitting the hay so I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed at work in the morning.   Will hopefully get another wee peaky picture posted tomorrow night again.  

Well folks that's it for tonight, so sleep tight, sweet dreams and don't let the bed bugs bite. 


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