Saturday 15 February 2014

Home to roost

Just a quick post folks as I'm amidst the housework frenzy just now preparing for my few days away.  Oh I'm getting ubber excited.  Lol. 

Anyway, here's a sample made for Jones Crafts.  

Products used
Wooden bird house
Papers - base coat range from Kaiser Craft
Flowers - mix of Kaiser crafts
Luggage label - Kaiser crafts
Pins - from stash
Paint - Kaiser Crafts
Adhesive - mod podge & silicone

Paint edges of house
Cut papers to approx sizes to fit and adhere using mod podge
Sand edges and highlight using distress ink
Write message on luggage label
Adhere paper flowers, pins and tag in place using silicone gel.

I adsolutely adore this base coat range of papers.   So versatile with fantastic looking results. 

Well that's it folks..  the washing machine isn't going to empty itself, the iron is refusing point blank to do the work off its own steam so guess its all down to little old me & only me!  


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