Sunday 23 February 2014

Hels Sheridan

Need I say more! 

Sorry I've not posted for a few days but needed to spend time with friends & family.   Hopefully back on track now though. 

Last week's trip to the NEC just couldn't be done without stopping by Hels.   Such a pleasure to watch and I wouldn't dare repeat some of the conversations we had.  Lol.   Here you can see her in action creating a masterpiece for my dear friend Pauline Wheeler who also requested it he signed by the queen of crafting herself.   Poor Hels..  we even stole some of her gorgeous truffles.  Lol. 

Hard to believe its been almost a week already and I'm sulking big style as next weekend Hels is going to be at Susan's shop 'Crafty Bunch' in Telford and Pauline is going along too so I'm the only one missing out.   Can you believe they have the cheek to call themselves friends!!!  Lol.  

Oh well.. its after 2am and my bed is calling so will bid you all good night. 

Lorraine Xx.


  1. You'll be with us in spirit lovely girl and won't be long till we can do our special weekend
    P xx

  2. Fabulous photographs! It was lovely seeing you at the Trade Show.
    Linda xxx
