Thursday 23 January 2014

Talented new blogger

Evening all...  its been a busy, eventful few days in the shop with lots of deliveries and the construction of a new facebook page to name just a few and I will post more details on this tomorrow but tonight I wanted to introduce you to a very talented crafter who has been hiding her work from public view for far too long thinking that it was nothing special...  but trust me.. it is.

I love her descriptions of where she obtained her inspiration and the process used to create each of her projects and I know she'd just love if you signed up to be a follower.  

Now, tomorrow I will give you some more detail of this weeks events and if you're all really good I may be tempted to give you some clues regarding the large box of goodies I've just received from Jones Crafts for my February project!   All I can say on that tonight is I LOVE my new stash and oh boy...  its tasty, tasty, very, very tasty.   Lol  

Well it's time to sign off as need to catch up on emails etc but please remember to check out the above blog and I'll be back with some pictures tomorrow.

Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful surprise lorraine, to read the update on your blog. I burst into tears when I realised you had written about me. That was so kind of you. And a big big thanks for giving me the final push in believing in myself. Truly appreciated.

    Julie x
