Sunday 26 January 2014

DT February kit

Ooooo look what's arrived from Jones Crafts..  a lovely big box of goodies for my DT February project.   Not that the boss has put any pressure on or anything but all our projects this month need to be finished and back with them ready for display at the NEC trade show in a few weeks time.   He's lucky we all love him.   Lol  

Obviously I'm not revealing all to you just now but if you look hard enough I'm sure you'll spy one of my favourite brand names in there along with something that requires a little construction.   I've already had a dry run at the build and was VERY impressed!   Good quality material, well cut and very accurate easy to fit grooves and knotches.   Can't wait to share this one.  

So, whats been happening with me the last few days..  Friday night we had the kids over for a visit.   Friday and Saturday I worked on invites.  Not exactly an exciting weekend but hey ho.. work calls and I'm trying to clear this order in the hope that I can have more free time this year than I did last.   Today, I've stepped away from it as I worked all of last weekend too and needed a little down time.   Nice lie in, followed by brunch, a little me time then off out with the old hubster for a few hours.   Now home and going to chill till bed time then start afresh in the morning.   Sometimes you really do just need to stop and smell the roses.  

Hope you've all had a fab weekend. 

Lorraine xxx

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