Monday 23 December 2013

That's better.

Now its finally starting to look a lot like Christmas..  took my time about it but I got there.  Lol. 

Yesterday the tree, decorations, poinsettias, wreaths etc all came out of storage and are in their new home for the next 2 weeks. 

Oh yeah..  I've lost the white Santa Clause hairdo too.  Lol. 

Last night I got the felt out and drew myself a stocking pattern so the pieces are all cut ready to be pinned and sewn together.   Not convinced I won't need to sew all night as they're all being done by hand!   I may need to invest in a sewing machine next year. 

So what's on today's agenda?  Its the good old final hoovering & dusting the house from top to bottom, prepping the meat etc as we have the kids coming for Christmas dinner tomorrow, then I'm on to stocking sewing.   Keep fingers crossed for me please.   I'm a novice!

With that said I'm off to hot foot it up the stairs with my trusty duster whilst I have the house to myself.   You always get on so much better when the man of the household isn't around getting underfoot. 

Happy Christmas eve, eve everyone.


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