Wednesday 18 December 2013

More like a tropical storm

Don't quite know what the weather is like where you are but right now it's blowing a right old howler here so much so I'm not sure that I'm going to get too much sleep tonight again.

Managed to get some supplies for the wedding order, along with a few presents for my friends children whilst I was at work today so at last... I've finally got 2 Christmas presents bought.

Had a slight delay on the way home as yet again the main road next to the shop was at a standstill with bumper to bumper traffic and appeared to be caused by the mass hysteria to get to Braehead shopping centre.. seriously..  is there really any need for that kind of behaviour!

Anyway, finally got home and managed to retrieve my bin before the wind picked up too much so saved me from chasing it down the street.  Lol.  Had a wee chill out before hubby arrived home and we had dinner whilst watching tonight's episode of Strongman Giants Live.. required viewing in this household as we're both big fans.  Tended to the animals and for the last hour or so I've been fighting to keep an internet signal so I can browse the internet.  Obviously too much wind and cloud cover tonight and have to admit it's been more than a little irritating constantly watching the wee clock dial spin around and around on my screen.

So now I'm here, as you'll see in the picture above this is the stash sent to me by Jones Crafts to use within my December Project and I must tell you.. these papers are fab as are the stamps. 

We've got a super duper design team and if you're on facebook I would highly recommend that you 'Like' their page as every month there will be projects uploaded by all the designers and you will also be able to keep up to date with new product releases.  If you're unsure of your local stockist then simply tell them where you are based and they will be able to advise you.  In addition to all this there's also the odd 'Giveaway' including one that is running just now but due to close on Friday so you'll have to be quick if you want to stand a chance of winning.  Pretty generous it is too! 

Well folks I think that's about it from me for tonight as I've got a few gifts to make so want to try and make a wee start on them tonight, even if it's only for an hour so.  Some time is better than no time.. Right!  So keep your fingers crossed that this weather calms overnight so I can get some sleep and hopefully not be blown all over the road on my way to work in the morning.  Last day tomorrow then I'm off till the 31st..  Yay.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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