Monday 4 November 2013

New Arrivals..

No chance of recognizing these two faces but they are the lovely Errol & Michael hard at work in the shop today..  hhmmm wonder if anyone recognised what they were building.  If not.. allow me to tell you that these are the latest arrival in the shop..  the WorkBox..  oh yeah!!!   Those fabulous units that contain all your crafting goodies yet simply look like a unit once everything is packed away and the doors are closed. 

Sadly I can't tell you any more on them just now as we're setting off for the NEC tomorrow but when I'm back in the shop next week I'll fill you in on some more details.  Just wanted to let you know that they'll soon be on sale in the shop soon.. just in nice time for a special Christmas pressie.  Lol. 

Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx

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