Monday 25 November 2013


Well folks I've had a wee day playing catch up around the house.   Dusting, hoovering and done 5... Yes 5 loads of laundry followed by some ironing and the remainder will be done tomorrow along with stripping the beds.   I know it probably sounds sad but its been so nice having a day all to myself to get some order restored around the house again.  Still got the craft room to tackle too but that can wait to next weekend. 

I'm just about to sit and write out a supplies list for a large wedding stationery order I'm due to start on next week but thankfully remembered I hadn't done my daily post yet so this is it.   Sadly I can't remember the manufacturer of the Herald Angel embossing folder..  brain isn't functioning 100% just now due to the pain from this stupid toothach!  but it was coloured with pan pastels and I decided to do some blue and purple poinsettias and ivy.  

Well guess I better go make a start on my list so till tomorrow..  nighty night. 

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

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