Thursday 3 October 2013

My wee BooBoo

Well folks its been a few days since my last posting for a few reasons..  first up I was very poorly all weekend and into this week.  Intact, today was the first I could even say I felt some what human.   Thankfully, even though it was really tough I managed to make it through work yesterday and today was easier so fingers crossed tomorrow goes as well. 

Sadly though on Monday, my oldest bunny BooBoo who I've had for 10 years finally passed away in my arms.   He was such a little darling and I literally broke my heart the whole day.  Its still very raw but we have laid him to rest and hope he's now hopping around over rainbow bridge. 

Tonight I've sat doing a stock take of products I'm taking to the Ross Papercraft show in Edinburgh this coming Saturday so will post details of the venue etc on here tomorrow so if any of you make it along be sure to drop by and say hi. 

Well its time to sign off, brush my teeth etc and go get some beauty sleep. 

Toodles for now.
Lorraine. Xxx

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