Tuesday 22 October 2013

Busy busy busy

Well folks its all go this week.  Was working in the shop today and in again tomorrow and Wednesday.  Then I'm working at the SECC on Thurs, Fri & Sat.   Sunday however will be the best day of all as its my beautiful step daughter Brianna's wedding day.  

Last Friday I popped along to the hair dresser for a last minute trim and trial.  Saturday I was at the beautician getting some prep done as I have no time this week so had to work in advance.   Dyed my hair Sat night.. well I don't want the greys showing do I.  Lol.   Sunday, I popped out for the last minute bits & Bob's before retiring to bed early as I felt awful.  Still got the lingering effects of my respiratory infection so trying to rest easy at nights so I'm fit for Sunday. 

With that said, I'm off to bed as busy day ahead tomorrow sorting stock for the SECC but wanted to share a pic of my nails so you could share in the pre wedding prep.  Lol. 

Nighty night all.
Lorraine xxx

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