Thursday 12 September 2013

First Christmas

Evening all.. sorry for missing my lunch time post today but its been a mega busy day in the shop and I've got a rather poorly hubby at the moment so had to do a check in with him during my break to make sure he was ok. 

Its going to be a busy weekend as I'm in the shop on Saturday again and between tomoz, Sunday & Monday I've got an all day workshop and demo day to prep and make samples for in addition to the normal household chores of course.  Lol. 

Time now to get changed out my work clothes and I'm going to sit and relax tonight for a wee while and will start with a clear head in the morning but thought I'd go through my album and see what all still needs to be uploaded so here's another wee sample from last weeks demo at Craft World.

Products used:

Marianne Baby Sock
Cheery Lynn snowflake
Britannia word dies

Toodles for now and will post again in the morning.

Lorraine xxx

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