Tuesday 30 July 2013

Wedding outfit

Being as I am so not a girly girl the thought of dress shopping is nothing much less than a nightmare to me so when I tell you I've been to hell and back the last 2 days I truly mean it but it eventually proved fruitful. 

I've tried on long dresses, short dresses, 3 piece outfits..  you name it, I've had it on!!!   Sorry for the quality of the picture but this was a strong contender and I adored the plum and kiwi combination.  What won at the end of the day though was a delicate chiffon dress that as soon as I set sight on it, I knew that was the one for me.  I would love to share a picture but obviously I can't reveal it before the big day so you'll just have to wait till October.  Lol.  You can't imagine how relieved I am now and am actually looking forward to the next step which is the accessories.  I'm sure that will be a damn sight easier! 

Well its 2am and alarm is set for 7.30am so guess I better go get some beauty sleep.  Nighty night all. 

Lorraine xxx

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