Wednesday 26 June 2013

Turning a teen

Here's a wee card.. well actually 8x8  lol, that I made for my friends daughter who turned 13 last Friday.   Chocolate and mint glitter card layered, mount cut using spellbinders die, numerals cut using Wendie Rhodes whacky font templates I bought years and years ago and still love today, words die cut using Britannia upper case alphabet, tattered florals and some adhesive pearls. 

Today I was working in Craft World and boy did the day turn out different to what we expected.  Due to the school break up we had thought it would be a quiet day as the kids were finishing early so we had planned to get in to the store room and check the stock, organise shelves etc but oh no... From around 10.30am right through till 5pm we served customer after customer.   Wonder what that means for tomorrow and more to the point... What's it going to be like once the kids start doing the drop in craft sessions!!!   Can't wait really as I love when the shop is buzzing. 

Well.. time to sign off, get my PJ's on and chill for a while before bed.  Catch you all tomorrow again. 

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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