Tuesday 14 May 2013

Me time!

Wow.. I've actually had a day off!!!!!   Calculated it last night and I've worked 19 days in a row, many of them 14 hours.  Today I've sat and chilled and really, really enjoyed it.  Started off with a lie in,  vegged out on the sofa watching tv, done some housework and washing and had a bite of lunch with mum.  Thought I was having all of tomorrow off too but got a pretty exciting phone call tonight so need to put in a few hours tomorrow as lots to organise and not a whole load of time to do it. 

Anyway,  hubby has gone to bed now and I'm catching up with some more taped shows so decided I'd prep a few wee bezels ready for the morning.  Love these things and they make great gifts too.  Off to get the last bits done then a wee tidy up before bed.  Hope you've all had a great day too.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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