Friday 17 May 2013

Hot, hot, hot

Evening all.. its the end of another week yet again!    Where oh where does the time go? 

Well I was working in Craft World yesterday and today.. managed to come home empty handed last night (miracle) but tonight I've headed home with my project pan and 2 packs of wicks ready to get 1 or 2 candles made at the weekend and may hopefully get some soap made too.  I should have been heading down to Biggin Hill for the Sincerely Yours show on Sunday but sadly due to some ill health in the family I've had to pull out but I'm sure everyone in attendance will have a brill time. 
I've heard rumours that its meant to be nice this weekend so fingers crossed I may get some gardening done as the weeds are getting out of control at the moment, then next week I need to make an appointment with the doctor and dentist (broke a tooth!), then there's 2 lots of wedding stationery that need some attention.  Lol. 

Well that's a wee update on the previous and upcoming few days so off now to make a cuppa and catch up with some tv before bed.  Hope you've all had a fab week too. 

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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