Thursday 2 May 2013

Front view

Chest - Hobby Art
Flowers - Britannia die
Stem leaves - Cheery Lynn die
Dazzler - Creative Expressions
Pins - Creative Expressions

Well folks I apologise for missing yesterdays posts but I had a little accident as I left the shop.  Locked the door and as I turned my keyring broke and guess what.. one of my keys went right down the rain drain!!! Needless to say I couldn't just leave it there so had to drive home, collect the hubby complete with tool kit and head back in.  There was the two of us on our hands and knees trying to fish this key back out the drain..  thank goodness the police didn't drive by at time. Lol.   Good did come from it though, as well as retrieving the key hubby also treated me to dinner at the local Harvester as time was getting on and we were both feeling a little famished. 

I've had a wee day off work today so managed to catch up with some housework and 3 loads of washing, mum came to visit with her friend (first I've seen my wee mum since Saturday) and organised some work stuff.  I'm back in the shop tomorrow then have a First Holy Communion on Saturday.  Next week is going to be pretty full on as I'm prepping for next weekend's 2 day demo at Craft World but also have some samples to squeeze in for the lovely Lynda Chapman who has just announced she will be launching a new 4 day deal on Create & Craft on Monday 13th May.  Guess its going to be a week of long days.  Lol.

Anyway I guess I should sign off now, clear my mess and start thinking about getting some beauty sleep.  Till tomorrow..  nighty night.

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

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