Saturday 27 April 2013

Unscheduled day..

Evening all.. well this morning when I arose I had the day mapped out.. work, work and more work..  instead it took an unexpected turn that made it even more enjoyable. 

I made a start on the samples, had a quick tidy around and got a few loads of washing done then my wee mum appeared with lunch and stayed for about an hour and we had a wee catch up chat.  Next my friend asked me to watch her children for an hour or so till they went to test drive a new car.  Obviously the answer was yes as these are 2 of my favourite 3 kids.   They stayed out playing with friends till just before 6pm then came in and asked if they could do something so I printed a few digi images from my Tumble Ted and Tizzy CD, gave them some paint and pro markers and they were happy sitting on the floor colouring in.  My poor friend then called to say they were delayed.. wait for this..  the new car they were test driving broke down!!!  Well to say I couldn't stop laughing is a slight understatement.  I've never heard of that in my puff.  Lol.  Anyway, hubby popped off to McDonalds and picked up some happy meals for them then when my friends returned they dropped in to collect the kids and stayed for a few hours so we all sat having a good wee natter.  Can I just say it turned out to be a fantastic day filled with fun, laughter and good company. 

This time of night is not exactly perfect for picture taking but here's a look at my mini chest all painted up..  just the decoration to add tomorrow now which won't take long.

Off now to give something else a lick if paint.. till tomorrow.. toodles

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

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