Friday 26 April 2013

Slight detour

Friday's!!!  In this household it means its chore day as the old man is off work.  House cleaned top to bottom, super market shop etc.. not my most favourite day. Lol.

Anyway, its time to start working on some samples for an upcoming demo weekend so before I can finish my birdcage stand I NEED to make a start on these.  Nice wee coat of gesso before the proper painting and decoration begins.  Thankfully hubby will be at the office for a while tomorrow so I can get some more peace and quiet to get on with stuff.  No idea why but the moment I start to concentrate, he starts rabbiting on like a budgie..  men for you I guess eh!  Lol.

Right, I'm off now and will keep you up to date with pictures and progress.  Have a great weekend everyone.

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

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