Sunday 21 April 2013

By the sea..

Sorry I've been quiet the last few days but help Kay Ritter with her Hougie Crafts workshop on Thursday, then helped with set up of the Sincerely Yours show on Friday, followed by a whoppingly busy Saturday working at the show and the show is on today again followed by break down with the priority being to get the van on the road as quickly as possible as most traders have a long journey ahead of them. 

Had to make up a we sample tonight so thought I'd share a sneaky peek as I couldn't get a good pic this late at night but will try to remember and do it later today at the show. 

Anyway as its 1.35 in the morning I'm off to bed now as the alarm is set for 7am so I am looking at no more than 5 hours sleep by the time I doze off. Lol.

Nighty night

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